The 5:45 Ferry
We follow the line of cars over the ramp and to the left side of the boat. We turn off the ignition, step onto the deck, and head upstairs to

180 Days Around the World
We spent 180 days traveling around the world as a family of three. What’s next?…

Some Things That Made Us Feel Small
It’s been exactly a month since our trip ended. The most common question we’ve received since landing back in Los Angeles is, “So how does it feel to be back

Happy Campers
“Thanks so much for paying your $15 camping fee,” said the Ranger. “By the way, there’s a big storm forecast for tonight with some serious winds.” “Thanks for letting us

15 Hours in Addo
Have you ever dreamed of standing in one beautiful place for 15 hours, witnessing the sun setting, the stars appearing, the core of our galaxy drifting across the sky, and

Breakfast Company
“Hey. Bodhi’s awake.” “What time is it?” “5:45” “Let’s go for a drive.” It was our third morning staying in Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa’s third largest national park,

Stairway to Heavens
And as we wind on down the road Our shadows taller than our soul There walks a lady we all know Who shines white light and wants to show How

A Jog in the Township with Locals
“So, what really defines a township?” I asked. Ayanda answered first. “Technically, townships are everything outside of the CBD (Central Business District) of a city. In South Africa, though, townships

i dreamed, i woke in africa
hey everyone, bodhi again. you’re not going to believe the story i’m about to tell. i was taking a nap in the car. we were driving up a mountain road